Wilma On Edge

A third-person 3d platformer made in Unity using C# for a course project at HTW Berlin, Germany.

J / February, 2022

Project Details

Project-Type: student project
Team Size: 4
Team Name: aMazed
Time/Effort: December.2021 - Feb.2022 / 6 weeks part time

My Core Features

  • Character Controller
  • Ui Controller
  • Level Design
  • VFX Art
  • Post Processing & Lighting

Game Details

  • Genre: Platformer
  • Inspiration: Mirror’s Edge, Infamous
  • Art Style: Third-Person 3D Low Poly
  • Core Features: Jump and Run within the time limits & Pick Up Items for a better end score & alternate endings

After a long night of partying, the chaotic Wilma wakes up in her room and remembers that she has to meet her date in half an hour at Pizza Plaza but oh my, the door won’t open. She’s been locked up and her roommates are all out. Her only way seems to be through the window over the city’s rooftops. Maybe she finds something to dress to make a better impression on the date. Your goal is to get to the date as quickly as possible within the time limit and pick up as many items as possible.

GitHub: Wilma On Edge
Download: GitHub


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